
Social Media Rant.

Why are most people acting like Google+ is some sort of underdog I know its new & different but its not like it has come from nowhere with no reputation Its GOOGLE for it to have over 43 Million members is good but it's not like Facebook where it crawled up with no promotion or anything It has Google's backing & It is one of the main 3 options for sharing a video on YouTube.

Don't get me wrong I like Google+! I think it is a great website but the fact that people are boasting about it having 43 Million members & that it is a scrappy social network needs to stop. It is a good website but it is Google's social network It is not an under dog & it isn't scrappy! Sure it might not have as many members as Facebook but that doesn't make it an underdog it just means its new. 

I never rant on here but people are taking the Google+ fanatics to far with people making random memes of Facebook losing members & tracking your web activity Google uses what you search for to give you ads & stores all of your web history but people hardly say a word.

Facebook has over 850 Million users for a reason & I am sure Google+ will give it a run for its money.

Good luck to the both of them! 
Although I am sure it is more than possible that they can both co-exist as Google+ isn't for everyone & the same goes for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, tumblr & a whole other bunch of social networks it just depends what you want to do & what you want to post about! Not who is an "Underdog" & what famous people are using it! It should be about making friends socialising & doing what you want to do & posting about what you want to post about without worrying how many Circles your in or who followed you back.